Model.Name The Netherlands

Laura Kyttanen
Metaverse Coach

The Netherlands


Laura Kyttanen
Metaverse Coach

Laura has lived in multiple countries and worked with more than 33 nationalities. She decided
to transition from Corporate to Entrepreneur over 7 years ago in order to pursue her passion
for coaching to elevate potential.

Laura has developed her own proprietary transformational coaching methodology based on
her experience working with business leaders, employees, and entrepreneurs. She is
passionate about breaking the internal barriers so many of us place on ourselves. Too often
we grow up believing that when we master external goals, we will be happy. Yet, this
overlooks the root cause of our actions, behaviors, performance, and ultimately our wellness
and well-being. True leadership comes from within - it is our core beliefs and values and the
authentic expression of our self that adds intrinsic value.

Once we can let go of external expectations and the limiting beliefs holding us back, we are
able to tap into our unlimited potential and elevate our life. This has a tremendous impact on
our relationships, work, well-being, and beyond - to future generations.

With COVID, we entered a Global Mental Health pandemic, this presented Laura with the
opportunity to scale her business. She has developed metaverse coaching programs to
empower people, connect teams and elevate organizations. The programs take individuals
and groups on a structured journey that offers data-driven insights on 8 essential Mindset
Energy competencies (known as the 8Cs). This helps individuals and teams to get actionable
insights to help them expand and transform along their coaching journey, while organizations
get the data they need to monitor and act on the outcomes that matter most to their