Model.Name Germany

Viola Flambé
Metaverse Coach



Viola Flambé
Metaverse Coach

Viola The White Buffalo woman works closely with nature, the elements fire, water, earth and earth, the four winds, Archangels and other spirit beings. She is a real Shaman and has been doing this work for over 20 years and uses different methods to help people. Viola also organizes every year sacred Journeys all over the world. For example every year she joins the Druids to take part of the summer solstice at Stonehenge.

Shamanism has its origins all over the world. It is as old as mankind.The shaman had been given the task of communicating between the spirits and the souls in the spirit worlds and humans. It can also be the case that the spirit beings themselves sought contact with the shaman.

The buffalo woman shamanism was brought into being by the white buffalo woman, guided by the spiritual world. Inspired and initiated by primal forces. This enables new roots in old tradition and contemporary shamanism.

Shamanic Journey is a shamanic trance, accompanied by the drumming of the white buffalo woman, to travel to the otherworld. 'Worlds wandering'. The white Buffalo Woman will act as a mediator between the worlds and beings. With the shaman's drum. In this way, the shamanic journey can activate the shaman's power in people. To be a shaman too.

Viola Flambé