Choose between 4 Basic Education Programs or 2 Basic Education Programs & 2 Expert Education Programs or 8 XR workshops. Or a mix of these Programs.
Basic & Expert Education Programs:
- VR Coach Program
- Metaverse Coaching & Trainers Program
- Metaverse Worldbuilders Program
- XR Consultancy & Business Developers Training
- Metaverse Event Managers Program
- Metaverse Consultancy & Business Developers Training
- Metaverse Coach/Trainer for Maze Runner
- Metaverse Coach/Trainer for Happiness Maze
- VR Coaching Program Sexual Harassament
- VR Coaching Program for Multi-Problem Youth
- VR Coaching Acupuncture/Meditation Program
- VR Coaching end-of-life and palliative care Program
- VR Coaching Program Biofeedback & Neurofeedback
- Meditate in the Metaverse with Dana & José
- Biofeedback & Neurofeedback
- XR Stress Management
- Open ExO Attributes
- Blockchain & NFTs
- Metaverse Platform of your choice
- Bring your Product or Service in the Metaverse
- Happiness Maze
- Metaverse Business Coaching with Todd Lewis
- Shamanic Journey with the White Buffalo Woman
- Meditating with Dr. Jose Ferrer Costa
- VR Coaching Acupuncture/Meditation with Dr. Jose Ferrer Costa
- VR Coaching Transformative experiences for end-of-life and palliative care with Professor Teri Yarbrow.
- VREC/ VR Coaching Overcome your Fears with Dana-Maia Faneker
- XR Inspiration workshops
- XR Onboarding Workshops
- Leadership Maze Runner
- VR Coaching Workshop
- 3D Art
- VR Coaching
- Unity Development
- 360 photo & Video
- 3D Career opportunities & recruitment with Nikesh Mandrekar
- VR Coaching Workshop
- Metaverse Coaching & Trainers workshop
- Metaverse Worldbuilders Workshop
- XR Consultancy & Business Developers Workshop
- Metaverse Event Managers Workshop
- Metaverse Consultancy & Business Developers Workshop