Leadership Coaching Experience ''Maze Runner ''

Maze Runner is a Teambuilding and Leadership Experience with 5 different Mazes we are currently piloting with companies/schools. Each Maze will teach you about different leadership skills and will make you conscious of your feelings about leadership. How do you deal with this in a powerful way? How can you be a true leader dealing with a lot of stress under high time pressure? What do you think of other people their leadership? Do you in the back of your mind think you could do a much better job? In this game, you get triggered in every way possible. After each maze, there will be a group discussion around leadership with a trained Metaverse coach/trainer.

Costs on average are depending on the size of the project:

  1. The preparation that is needed.
  2. The number of participants.
  3. Training on location or online.
  4. Oculus Quests rental?
  • Costs: €180 excluding VAT per student.
  • Costs: €360 excluding VAT per Employee.
    You receive:
  1. Training from a Metaverse Coaching & Training Expert
  2. A fun and effective way to learn about leadership

Participation in peer groups is one of the options.

What do you need to be able to follow the training?
- We recommend an Oculus Quest 2.
- Or a laptop/PC with the following specifications: 6GB RAM, i5+ Core, 1GB+ Video card, Windows   10 operating system, Stable & strong internet connection (at least 8mb/sec up and download speed)
- Make sure you have a headset for the course, preferably one that falls over your ears.
- An external mouse with a scroller for more freedom of movement.

If several courses are purchased at the same time, we can make an offer.
In addition, we also offer various 3.5-hour workshops. You will then receive a shortened version of one of these training programs. In addition, we also give various experience workshops, in which you get a look at the various "education" programs in 1.5 hours.