Metaverse Business coaching with Todd Lewis

Todd has Extensive experience in program creation, teaching live and virtually (over 750 programs over 20 years), marketing & sales coaching and consulting, diversity and inclusion programming, team leadership, film production, editing, writing, and music composition.

He's presented live programs throughout the country, as well as virtual programs to educate people on the running of their businesses, from the organization to the marketing to the working with teams of people, and more.  Also, he's created thousands of physical and virtual marketing campaigns to market these services and many more.

Todd also has over 20 years of experience writing, directing, and presenting live and virtual programs on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in every kind of organization. He's also worked as a cinematographer on 2 feature films, as well as a writer/director/editor on multiple short films, and has edited multiple film and virtual projects for groups ranging from an EMMY AWARD WINNING production company to an equity playhouse.

He's been honored to have won multiple film awards for the short films he's written, directed, and edited.  Including the BEST THRILL award from the “THRILLER-CHILLER INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL,” a FINALIST at the “CANNES WORLD FILM FESTIVAL,” and WINNER at the “APHRODITE FILM AWARDS.”

We offer various 3.5-hour workshops and we give various experience workshops of 1.5 hours. The costs depend on the number of participants.

Costs on average are depending on the size of the project:

  1. The preparation that is needed.
  2. The number of participants.
  3. Training on location or online.
  4. Oculus Quests rental?
  • Costs: €20 excluding VAT per student.
  • Costs: €80 excluding VAT per Employee.
  • Costs: €100 excluding VAT per CEO/Business Owner/Manager
    You receive:
  1. Training from a Metaverse Coaching & Training Expert
  2. A fun and effective way to learn about Happiness

Participation in peer groups is one of the options.

What do you need to be able to follow the training?
- We recommend an Oculus Quest 2.
- Or a laptop/PC with the following specifications: 6GB RAM, i5+ Core, 1GB+ Video card, Windows   10 operating system, Stable & strong internet connection (at least 8mb/sec up and download speed)
- Make sure you have a headset for the course, preferably one that falls over your ears.
- An external mouse with a scroller for more freedom of movement.

If several courses are purchased at the same time, we can make an offer.
In addition, we also offer various 3.5-hour workshops. You will then receive a shortened version of one of these training programs. In addition, we also give various experience workshops, in which you get a look at the various "education" programs in 1.5 hours.