''Maze Runner''

Being under stress and time pressure in a fun, safe, exciting, and interactive way to practice certain leadership competencies. The Maze Runner experience serves as a stepping stone to discussing everything that arises from this. After that, you can coach on this. In this way, you can develop certain leadership qualities that are also necessary to make your life successful and that of others. There are now a total of five Maze Runner Experiences. You must walk through each of these mazes at least once for 15 minutes. Some of these Mazes you have to play alone, some of them in partner groups and some of them with your whole team/organization. The session is then discussed with a coach/trainer for 45 minutes. It takes a minimum of 5 hours as a participant.

Learn how to be a true leader dealing with stress and time pressure in a fun, safe, exciting, and interactive way to practice certain leadership competencies. The Maze Runner experience serves as a stepping stone to discussing everything that arises from this Experience. After that, you can coach on this. In this way, you can develop certain leadership qualities that are also necessary to make success of your life and that of others.
There are now a total of five Maze Runner Experiences. You must walk through each of these mazes at least once for 15 minutes. You sometimes play these mazes alone, and sometimes with others. The session is then discussed with a coach/trainer for half an hour. It takes a minimum of 5 hours as a participant.
In our collaboration with the pilot/partner, we can develop two new mazes as well as apply any adjustments/optimizations to the current Maze Runner Experience.

Maze Runner is a Teambuilding and Leadership Experience with 5 different Mazes we are currently piloting with companies/schools. Each Maze will teach you about different leadership skills and will make you conscious of your feelings about leadership. How do you deal with this in a powerful way? How can you be a true leader dealing with a lot of stress under high time pressure? What do you think of other people their leadership? Do you in the back of your mind think you could do a much better job? In this game, you get triggered in every way possible. After each maze, there will be a group discussion around leadership with a coach/trainer. Learn in 5 sessions in a fun and effective way about leadership! We will explain the WHY, how and what of the Maze.

  1. Why we have created Maze Runner in this way?
  2. How you can use these Types of Games for coaching and learning new skills?
  3. What can you learn from this Experience?