The XR Mini Holiday

Everyone experiences stress in the workplace. Achievements that must be delivered, deadlines that must be met and personal developments that we want to achieve ourselves. Through mindfulness & meditation we can reduce unnecessary tensions, so that you get a relaxed feeling and experience less stress. This increases your productivity and allows you to develop better and perform better. Good for yourself, your environment and your employer.​

Meditation has been proven effective against stress.​

The special thing about meditating in Virtual Reality is how you immediately get into the "zone". The effect of this is that the meditation also works optimally for people who actually never meditate or practice mindfulness, it is easy and many people like it!​

The XR Mini Holiday is just like a short vacation. The XR session already starts with a wonderful holiday atmosphere. The space is furnished with a beach chair, you place your (bare) feet in the beach sand and the delicious smell of sunscreen comes to meet you. Just a little while, and you'll be sitting in the sun between the palm trees. Who wouldn't want that…